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7 Benefits of Young Coconut Water for Health

Apart from replacing body fluids, here are 7 other benefits of coconut water

Coconut water is known to have many benefits for the body. Not only refreshes the body during hot weather, coconut water can also add electrolytes and minerals to the body. In fact, coconut water contains nutrients such as antioxidants that can prevent damage to body cells. Besides that, what other benefits can you get from drinking coconut water?

Nutritional content in coconut water

the benefits of coconut water, overcoming poisoning

As a drink, the main content of coconut water is composed of electrolytes, minerals and vitamins.

Coconut water also contains sugar, but this sugar content is less than soft drinks, packaged drinks, or fruit juices.

Not only that, there is also a carbohydrate content with a little protein and fat which complements the nutrients in coconut water.

Launching the nutritional facts contained in the Indonesian Food Composition Data, 100 grams (gr) of coconut water has the following nutritional composition:

  • Energy: 17 Calories (Calories)
  • Protein: 0.2 g
  • Fat: 0.1 g
  • Carbohydrates: 3.8 g
  • Calcium: 15 milligrams (mg)
  • Phosphorus: 8 mg
  • Iron: 0.2 mg
  • Sodium: 1 mg
  • Potassium: 149 mg

From this nutritional composition, it can be seen that coconut water contains high potassium. Compared to sports drinks that are formulated, the potassium content in coconut water is higher.

This number is even higher than if you eat four bananas.

Meanwhile, other mineral content in coconut water consisting of calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, and zinc is better than the mineral content in oranges.

Apart from those mentioned, another nutrient found in coconut water is an antioxidant with great health benefits.

Benefits of coconut water for health

It is not wrong if young coconut water has various benefits because it is composed of nutrients that are good for the body.

In addition to eliminating thirst and preventing dehydration, drinking young coconut water also brings health benefits such as the following:

1. Slows down aging

youthful herbs

It turns out, coconut water has good benefits for your beauty, you know! Yes, the benefits of coconut water for beauty are that it can make skin smoother and look younger.

The content of cytokinins, a growth hormone, in coconut water functions to regulate cell growth, development and aging.

This is because the cytokinin content in coconut water has anti-aging, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-thrombotic (anti-blood clotting) effects.

That is why coconut is known as a food that can delay aging.

Cytokinins can balance pH levels in the body, strengthen and hydrate connective tissue, and reduce the risk of age-related diseases.

If you want to stay young, drinking coconut water might be one way.

2. Regulate blood pressure and cholesterol

Never expected, drinking coconut water can help improve blood circulation, lower high blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

This is due to the high potassium and low sodium content in coconut water.

Sodium can lower blood sugar levels in people who have high blood pressure.

As a result, the properties of coconut water have the potential to prevent blood clots from forming.

In addition, coconut water also helps increase HDL (good cholesterol).

3. Good for digestive health

hormones that make the digestive system happy

Coconut water is claimed to be able to cure all diseases related to digestion.

Usually, coconut water is used to treat diarrhea, indigestion, constipation, intestinal worms, bladder infections, and kidney disorders.

Coconut water is useful when you have diarrhea because it can replace fluids that are lost from the gastrointestinal tract.

In fact, the osmolarity of coconut water is greater than the ORS (Oral Rehydration Therapy) which is recommended by WHO for the treatment of diarrhea.

This is because coconut water contains amino acids, enzymes, minerals, and fatty acids, making it high in osmolarity.

Coconut water also contains low sodium and chloride and is high in sugar and amino acids.

This is a balanced liquid composition in drinks to prevent dehydration that may occur due to indigestion.

4. Prevent kidney stone disease

Drinking lots of water is very good for kidney health. If water is sufficient to support kidney function, drinking coconut water is more beneficial.

You need to know that kidney stones are formed when calcium, oxalic acid, and other components precipitate into crystals and are carried in the urine.

Well, a study entitled the Prophylactic Effect of Coconut Water which was conducted on mice, shows coconut water can actually prevent crystals from sticking to the kidneys and urinary tract.

In addition, coconut water reduces the formation of crystals in the kidneys.

This happens because coconut water can minimize free radicals that are formed due to high levels of oxalate in the urine.

However, research on humans still needs to be done to test the efficacy of coconut water in preventing kidney stones.

5. Supports organ function

healthy body

The nutritional content in coconut water also has benefits for the continuity of the organs in the body

Evidently, coconut water is a major source of arginine, an amino acid that can help deal with body stress when you exercise.

Basically, amino acids also help form protein so that it is useful for regenerating cells in body organs.

Meanwhile, the enzyme content in coconut water also helps the digestive system and body metabolism.

The enzymes that work to support the properties of coconut water are acid phosphatase, catalase, dehydrogenase, diastase, peroxidase, RNA-polymerase, and others.

6. Dispel free radicals

During the metabolic process, the body also produces harmful cells such as free radicals. This cell production can increase when the body is stressed or sick.

When there are too many free radicals, the body will enter a state of oxidative stress which can cause damage to healthy cells.

Researchers found that the antioxidants found in coconut water are efficacious to relieve the effects of oxidative stress so that they can ward off harmful radicals.

However, the antioxidant potential of coconut water still needs further investigation because there are no studies that have tested this potential in humans.

7. Replace lost body fluids

sports drinking coconut water benefits

Coconut water is a naturally occurring isotonic drink that provides many benefits like a formulated sports drink.

The electrolyte content in coconut water can replace body fluids lost during exercise.

However, to restore hydration so that the body doesn’t lose a lot of fluids, coconut water must be drunk in large quantities.

In addition, you also have less risk of feeling nauseous, full, and having a stomach ache if you drink coconut water compared to sports drinks.

Those are some of the benefits of young coconut water. The body is much fresher after drinking coconut water, right?

Of course, the electrolyte content in it is able to replace electrolytes that are lost during activity.

Coconut water is formed from natural processes in coconut fruit so it is healthier to drink than formulated bottled drinks.

Coconut water can be used as an alternative drink that nourishes the body.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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