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3 Types of Bronchial Asthma That Need to Know

Ladies, it seems you are already familiar with brittle asthma? Brachial asthma is a disease characterized by an increased response from the trachea and bronchi to various stimuli with manifestations in the form of breathing difficulties caused by complete narrowing of the airways.

Brachial asthma can occur in any age group, about half the cases occur in children and the other third occur before the age of 40 years. The incidence of brachial asthma is influenced by many factors such as age, gender, allergic talent, heredity, environment and psychological factors Well, you need to know also based on the cause, brittle asthma can be classified into 3 types as reported on the site clevelandclinicmeded.com, including:

1. Extrinsic (allergic).

It is characterized by allergic reactions caused by specific trigger factors, such as dust, pollen, animal dander, drugs (antibiotics and aspirin) and mold spores.

Extrinsic asthma is often associated with a genetic predisposition to allergies. Therefore if there are specific trigger factors as mentioned above, there will be an extrinsic asthma attack.

2. Intrinsic (non-allergic).

Marked by the presence of non-allergic reactions that react to triggers that are not specific or unknown, such as cold air or can also be caused by respiratory infections and emotions.

This asthma attack becomes more severe and often goes along with the passage of time and can develop into chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Some patients will experience combined asthma.

3. Combined asthma

The most common form of asthma. This asthma has characteristics of allergic and non-allergic forms.