Work Schedule of Our Organs

Everyone generally has a fairly consistent daily routine. If this routine changes even a little, it can affect the whole day. For example, if you wake up later than usual, you may find it more difficult to concentrate throughout the day. This happens because your activities do not follow your body’s schedule or biological clock. So, it is very important to understand your body’s natural rhythm.
What is the biological clock?
The biological clock is also known as the circadian rhythm. The biological clock follows all changes in human physical, mental, and behavioral activity in a 24-hour cycle. Apart from being regulated by natural factors in the human body such as the suprachiasmatic nerve (SCN) in the brain, this rhythm is usually influenced by light conditions in the environment around a person. A person’s biological clock can determine the sleep cycle, hormone production, body temperature, and various other body functions.
Schedule the daily cycle of the human body
Every organ in your body has a specific schedule for when the organ is working more optimally or just resting. Understanding your own body’s schedule and rhythm will go a long way in helping to improve your day-to-day performance. Reporting from the BBC health channel, here is the daily cycle of the human body for 24 hours.
00.00 – 02.59
At this hour, hormonal changes in the body send a signal to the brain that it’s time for you to sleep and rest. The more melatonin hormone will be produced so that you will feel more tired and sleepy. Your brain will also rid itself of toxins and the remains of substances that have accumulated all day long as a result of thinking hard all day long. All the information you receive that day will also be stored in the brain in the short term and long term memory. In addition, you should avoid eating or drinking at this time because your intestines are undergoing a cleansing or detoxification process.
03.00 – 05.59
Your body temperature will reach its lowest point during this hour. This happens because your energy will be diverted from warming the body to other important functions such as repairing the skin or fighting infection. Your body still continues to produce the hormone melatonin, but it will decrease immediately before morning.
06.00 – 08.59
Your blood vessels will become stiff and congested in the morning. So, your blood is thicker and stickier. This means that blood pressure is high. We recommend that those of you who have heart disease avoid exercising at this hour because they are prone to heart attacks. At this hour, the production of the hormone melatonin will stop.
09.00 – 11.59
The morning before noon is usually the best time for work, study and activity. This is because the body is aggressively producing a stress hormone called cortisol. This hormone is responsible for making your mind more alert. Plus, your short-term memory will perform better at this hour.
12.00 – 14.59
If you often hear the term “nap time” or “sleepy hour”, it is because your body’s energy is busy with the work of the digestive system. The digestive organs are very active in processing the food you eat at lunch so that the level of alertness will decrease. Be careful if you are driving or operating heavy equipment at this hour.
15.00 – 17.59
In the afternoon, your body temperature will usually naturally rise. This is certainly useful if you want to exercise and need to warm up. Your lungs and heart also work their best during this hour. In addition, compared to a full day of muscle tone, your muscles are shown to be 6% stronger in the afternoon. So, exercising in the afternoon is the right choice to keep in shape.
18.00 – 20.59
Be careful what food you eat at this hour. Experts don’t recommend that you eat too much at night because your digestion is not working as well as during the day. At this hour, your liver is functioning optimally to produce protein that the body needs and cleanse the blood from various toxic substances.
21.00 – 23.59
If you are a morning person, your brain will produce the hormone melatonin faster, which is around 9 in the evening. If you stay up late and wake up late, these sleep hormones will be produced late at night. This is the right time for you to reduce activity and get ready for bed.
The impact of disruption of the biological clock
There are several factors that can cause disruption of the human biological clock. Drastic time zone changes (jet lag), erratic work schedules (shifts), lifestyle, and natural lighting problems all risk causing your biological clock to mess up. Like any other disorder in the body, an abnormal biological clock can cause complications.
Disruption of the human biological clock has the risk of causing various problems such as insomnia, obesity, type 2 diabetes (diabetes), depression, bipolar disorder, and disorders. mood. In addition, a messy biological clock also has the risk of affecting the immune system. This is because the production of proteins needed by the immune system is out of sync. So, always try to stick to a schedule that is set naturally by your biological clock.
Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.