The benefits of skipping make you taller, is it true? Here are the facts

Jump rope or skipping is a cardio exercise that’s cheap and easy for you to do. Apart from being healthy for the heart and lungs, there are many benefits skipping for body fitness, one of them is as exercise increases height. Is that true? Come on, see the full review below.
Benefits skipping or jump rope for health
Skipping which is also known as jumping rope or jump rope this is an alternative cardio exercise which is easy, you can even do without leaving the house, you know.
Not only is it easy and cheap, this sport is also quite challenging to the limit of your ability to jump as fast as possible and as much as possible.
If you do the jumping rope technique properly, you can experience various benefits for the health of the body as follows.
1. Increase height
Skipping and other regular exercise can help you gain height. During exercise, the pituitary gland releases more growth hormone (HGH) to support maximum height growth.
Unfortunately, benefits skipping it is only effective in children and adolescents. Bone growth, which is supported by the production of the hormone HGH, which still peaks at puberty, can help the formation of new bone cells so that the body gets taller.
Your height will stop growing generally when you turn 16 in women and 18 in men. Furthermore, the height will start to shrink from the age of 40 years onwards. Based on this fact, as a result adults cannot feel the effects of height growth from exercise skipping.
2. Lose weight
Just like any other cardio exercise, jump rope or skipping beneficial in assisting your weight loss. Sports skipping what you do in a short time and at high intensity can burn calories even more effectively than running, you know!
Quoted from Harvard Health Publishing, a person weighing 70 kilograms who skipped with a duration of 30 minutes was able to burn about 421 calories in high intensity and 281 calories in low intensity. This is even higher than average jogging or running at moderate intensity that can burn 200-300 calories only.
To get maximum results, you should do a variety of other sports, such as strength training which at the same time can build muscle mass. In addition, you also need to set a balanced diet by limiting your calorie intake.
3. Improve heart health
Skipping is an easy sport and anyone can do it. This exercise regularly can increase your heart rate, which is good for heart health and blood vessels (cardiovascular).
High intensity exercise has been shown to prevent the risk of heart disease and stroke. Published studies European Journal of Applied Physiology in 2021 tested the effectiveness of jumping rope for 12 weeks on 40 adolescent women who are obese and have pre-hypertensive conditions.
The results of these studies indicate that young women experience decreased body fat, a steady pulse rate, and better blood pressure after exercise. So that this condition can contribute to heart health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
4. Train balance and body coordination
You really need balance and body coordination when jumping rope. Continuous jumping at high speed can keep your body balanced and not falling during the exercise.
You can also jump rope at the next level by swinging the rope twice in one jump. This affects the coordination of several body parts at once, especially your feet and wrists.
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine in 2015 published a study examining the effects of jumping rope training on teenage soccer players. This study showed improvements in motor skills, especially balance and coordination, which were better than regular soccer practice after 8 weeks of testing.]/kelenturan/ Movement- Sports-menjaga-keseimbangan-tubuh/
5. Strengthens bone density
Even though it can’t make the body taller, adults do regular exercise skipping able to strengthen muscles and maintain strength and bone density.
In adults who are no longer experiencing growth, the formation of new bone cells fills the bone, making it denser. This condition will certainly make your bones stronger and lower risk of bone loss.
The repeated jumping rope movement will also build your leg muscles stronger. This leg muscle strength training can help you not get tired quickly when walking long distances or when climbing stairs.
The things you need to pay attention to when exercising skipping
Various benefits of exercise skipping You can feel it anywhere and anytime, and only need relatively affordable equipment. How to do jump rope exercises is easy and anyone can do it, from children to adults.
Here are some tips for jumping rope to make it safer and avoid the risk of injury.
- Wear a rope that is the length of your height. For beginners, it is better to use a rope beaded rope.
- Use comfortable and sports clothing sport shoes, such as running shoes or training shoes that are not slippery on the floor.
- Choose a training location skipping safe and without distraction, namely an area of 1 × 2 meters with a room height of more than 30 cm from the top of your head.
- Avoid jumping rope on surfaces, such as carpet, grass, concrete floors, and asphalt. We recommend using a sports mat to coat the floor surface.
- Do jump rope exercises according to your body’s ability. If you feel tired or have difficulty breathing, stop immediately and can repeat when your body condition is stable.
If you have problems with joints and bone loss, consult your doctor first before exercising skipping to avoid the risk of injury.
Exercise with sufficient intensity to reap the benefits. You can also combine jumping rope training with other physical activities, such as jogging or cycling. Don’t forget to balance it with a healthy diet and lifestyle, huh!
Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
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