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Is it true that sitting too long causes hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids are not actually a serious disease. However, most people are embarrassed to have themselves checked if they have hemorrhoids, so that over time the hemorrhoids can get worse. In addition, hemorrhoids also cause discomfort, people who have hemorrhoids usually do not like to sit too long. In fact, some say that sitting too long causes hemorrhoids. Is this true?

What can be the cause of hemorrhoids?

Piles are enlargement or inflammation of the veins around the outside of the anus or rectum. Many things can cause hemorrhoids. However, in general, hemorrhoids are caused due to difficulty defecating.

Some of the factors that can cause hemorrhoids are:

  • Chronic constipation or diarrhea. This bowel problem makes you have to try to make more bowel movements during bowel movements. So, the blood vessels around the anus and rectum have to work harder.
  • Pushing too hard during bowel movements. This puts too much pressure on the rectum, causing the blood vessels around the rectum to become enlarged and swollen.
  • Long bowel movements. This causes the blood vessels around the anus to fill with more blood, which can put pressure on the veins.

In addition, there are also factors that can increase your risk of experiencing hemorrhoids, namely:

  • Lack of fiber intake, so that your digestion is not smooth and you have difficulty defecating.
  • Obesity.
  • Aging, the older you get, the connective tissue around the rectum and anus becomes weak.
  • Pregnancy, the fetus in the uterus can put pressure on the stomach, so that the blood vessels in the rectum and anus can dilate.

Is it true that sitting too long causes hemorrhoids?

Sitting too long causes hemorrhoids, is that so? Spending too long sitting in front of the TV or computer can indicate that you have a sedentary lifestyle. You are sedentary.

This can cause you to gain weight and eventually become overweight. Well, obesity is a risk factor for hemorrhoids. If you already have hemorrhoids, obesity can also make your hemorrhoids worse.

Sitting mostly throughout the day or having a sedentary lifestyle can also cause you to experience constipation or have difficulty passing stools. This will make you spend more time on the toilet.

Constipation also makes you have to push hard when you have a bowel movement. Doing so can make you put more pressure on the veins around the anus. So, eventually you can experience hemorrhoids.

So, Sitting too long can be one of the factors that increase the risk of hemorrhoids indirectly, especially when you sit on the toilet for a long time. If you are indeed suffering from hemorrhoids, sitting too long can also make your hemorrhoids worse.

How to prevent hemorrhoids?

If you don’t want to experience hemorrhoids, it’s best to avoid sitting too long in one place, doing lots of movement, and exercising every day. Make your day more active!

Other things you can do to prevent hemorrhoids are the following.

  • Eat lots of fiber a day.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Never hold back or stall for time when you want to defecate.
  • Do not strain or hold your breath (straining) when passing a bowel movement.

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