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9 Benefits of Magnesium for the Body that Cannot Be Replaced by Other Substances

Minerals are important nutrients needed by the body and one of them is magnesium. This type of mineral offers a myriad of uses for the health of the body. Check out the reviews below about the benefits of magnesium and where you can get it.

Benefits of magnesium

benefits of magnesium function of magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral that the body produces naturally. You can also get this mineral from food, supplements, to drugs.

Generally, an adult’s body has about 25 grams of magnesium. The amount of these minerals is more in bone and the rest is in soft tissue. Blood serum also contains magnesium, although in small amounts.

Meet the needs of magnesium needed to produce energy. In addition, here are some other benefits of magnesium that you need to know.

1. Strengthens bones

One of the benefits of magnesium for health is to strengthen bones. You see, people with adequate magnesium intake usually have a balanced mineral density.

Mineral density is important to reduce the risk of fractures and osteoporosis. This has been mentioned in the research contained in Nutrients. The study revealed that magnesium is a type of mineral that is important for preventing osteoporosis.

Even so, consuming too much magnesium can also cause side effects on bones, so take advantage of it appropriately.

2. Improve exercise performance

For those of you who like to exercise, try to meet your magnesium needs. The reason is, another use of magnesium that is no less amazing is to increase exercise performance.

Magnesium helps move blood sugar to muscles and get rid of lactate. Lactate is a compound that can build up during exercise and can cause fatigue.

Unfortunately, the findings from PloS one This has just been tested on animals. Therefore, experts need further research to see if the effect is the same in humans.

3. Maintain heart health

heart health

Certain vitamins and minerals are needed to maintain heart health and you can find these benefits in magnesium.

Magnesium is a mineral that can control heart rate and protect this organ from damage, especially muscle stress. When excessive muscle pressure occurs on the heart, various symptoms can arise, namely:

  • throw up,
  • cramps,
  • digestive problems, up to
  • bloated.

Fortunately, the four health problems above can be avoided. This is because magnesium calms the nerves and digestive system. Meanwhile, magnesium deficiency has also been linked to a risk of heart disease.

4. Controlling diabetes

Did you know that it turns out that magnesium can also regulate the insulin reaction to blood sugar levels?

According to research from World journal of diabetes, about 48% of people with type 2 diabetes have low levels of magnesium in their blood. This turns out to affect the ability of insulin to control blood sugar.

Not only that, the use of magnesium supplements has also been shown to reduce insulin resistance and improve indicators of blood glucose levels.

5. Prevent migraines

If your body is deficient in magnesium, you may experience headaches. Reporting from the National Institute of Health, people who experience migraine headaches usually have low serum and tissue magnesium levels.

However, research on using magnesium supplements to prevent or relieve symptoms of migraine headaches is still limited.

Even so, there is nothing wrong with meeting the needs of these minerals so that the body functions smoothly.

6. Relieve symptoms of depression

depression in adolescents should be treated

Not only physical health, the benefits of magnesium can also be obtained by mental health. These findings have been reported through studies from Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine.

Experts tried to analyze more than 8,800 participants. They found that participants under 65 with low magnesium levels had a 22 percent greater risk of depression.

Because of this, some doctors may advise their patients to meet their magnesium requirements. This aims to relieve the symptoms of depression they experience even though how it works is not certain until now.

7. Helps the body absorb vitamins and minerals

One of the benefits of magnesium that is no less important for health is to help the body absorb vitamins and minerals.

Magnesium helps absorb important vitamins and minerals, such as sodium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus.

Generally, mineral absorption takes place in the small intestine. This is done to ensure toxins get out of your body. A balanced magnesium intake also helps activate vitamin D which is stored in the body.

8. Relieves PMS symptoms

For women who frequently experience PMS (premenstrual syndrome), taking magnesium together with vitamin B6 may help. This has been proven through research published in Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research.

This study reveals that both vitamins and minerals can help relieve PMS symptoms, such as:

  • bloated,
  • swollen foot,
  • insomnia,
  • breasts are soft, and
  • abdominal pain.

If you want to get the benefits of magnesium, try buying supplements that have combined these minerals with vitamin B6. When in doubt, ask your doctor if it is safe to take this supplement.

9. Improve sleep quality

pink noise deep sleep

If you have trouble sleeping, magnesium may be the right solution to improve sleep quality. How not, magnesium is believed to calm the nerves of the good muscles when you sleep.

Even so, there are no large-scale studies that prove the usefulness of magnesium on sleep quality. However, there is nothing wrong with increasing your intake of this mineral to help overcome sleep problems.

Great source of magnesium

In addition to supplements, you can get magnesium benefits from a variety of foods, including:

  • spinach,
  • chia seeds,
  • potato,
  • soy milk,
  • dark chocolate (dark chocolate),
  • nuts and seeds,
  • halibut,
  • almonds,
  • mackerel,
  • avocado, and
  • salmon.

Side effects of excess magnesium

Diarrheal rotavirus infection

Eating too much food containing magnesium does not cause serious health problems. This is because the kidneys will remove excess minerals through urine.

However, the use of magnesium supplements in high doses often triggers digestive problems, such as:

  • diarrhea,
  • nausea, and
  • stomach cramps.

If you have further questions, please discuss with your doctor or nutritionist to understand the right solution for you.

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