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Make no mistake, here's the order for using the correct skin care

Make no mistake, here's the order to use the correct skin care products according to the rules

To maintain the beauty of facial skin, many women use more than one variety of care products. But apparently, there are still many people who are mistaken in using it. In fact, according to a cosmetic dermatologist in London, dr. Sam Bunting, usage order skin care the wrong one can reduce the effectiveness of the product used. In fact, the skin can become irritated and dehydrated.

Order of use skin care correct

Skin care or skin care products there are many types. Starting from facial cleansers to sunscreen. So, in order to get the maximum benefit from the products used, you must use them in the right order.

The main key in wearing skin care that is, using a product with a texture from the lightest to the heaviest. For example, use a water-based product before using an oil-based product. Here’s the sequence skincare right:

1. Face wash soap

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Cleaning your face is the first step that needs to be applied before you use other care products. With a clean face, the next products to be used will be easier to stick and soak into the skin. So, order skincare the right one indeed starts from facial wash aka facial soap.

2. Toner

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After cleaning your face with soap, use a toner. Toner helps remove dirt and oil that still sticks to the face after washing your face. Besides that, dr. Christine Choi Kim, a dermatologist in Los Angeles, USA Seriakt, stated that toner helps prepare the skin before using moisturizers and serums.

3. Serum

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After using toner, you can overwrite it with serum. Serum becomes a kind of vitamin supplement for your facial skin. Apply serum to facial skin then press or pat gently so that the active ingredients are released. Especially for oil-based serums; not enough if only smeared without tapping the face slowly.

4.Moisturizer (moisturizer)

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Moisturizer helps hydrate your skin and prevents dryness. Applying this one product can not be original. Instead, give it a little massage when you apply a moisturizer to your face. Apply in an upward motion from the neck to the forehead. Apart from helping the product to absorb perfectly, massage also helps improve blood circulation in the face.

5. Sunscreen

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Sunscreen is the last series that you must use every day. This one product helps protect the face from the dangers of the sun such as sunburn or premature aging. However, not only on the face, sunscreen must also be used all over the body, from face to feet so that the skin is perfectly protected.

How, what is the order skincare Have you been right or are you still not right?

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