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Long or short nails, which is healthier?

Short vs Long Nails: Which is Better for Health?

Most people, especially women, choose to leave their long nails to beautify themselves. On the other hand, there are also many people who are diligent in cutting their nails so that their nails always appear short and nice to the eye.

From a medical perspective, which one is better: to let your nails grow tapered and long or just cut them so that they are always short?

Overview of nails

Source: beauty-school-locator.com

Nails are made of a layer of a protein called keratin. New nail cells continue to grow from the pockets of the matrix under the cuticles.

These nail cells are then pushed outward towards the fingertips, gradually thickening and hardening into the nail that you can see right now. The average nail grows about 0.1 millimeters per day.

In order to cover the entire surface of the finger, it takes about six months for the nail to grow.

Nail growth rate is generally influenced by blood flow to the nail matrix and from dietary nutrients. In addition, the season is also believed to be able to affect nail growth.

Several studies have shown nails grow faster in summer than in winter. The use of drugs, age, and certain diseases can also affect the growth rate.

Which is better, lengthening your nails or cutting your nails regularly?

Many people let their nails grow long. Either because you want to enhance your appearance with colorful nail polish, or ahem, I was just lazy to cut my nails diligently.

However, there are some risks that you need to be aware of from the habit of lengthening your nails. Call it nails that are prone to brittle and break.

When broken, further nail growth can be stunted and even grow inward, causing anxiousness.

Nails that are too long can also cause you difficulty during normal activities, for example when you have to type or grip something. This can cause the finger muscles to tighten over time.

Not to mention the risk of scratching yourself or others when your nails are left too long.

Moreover, not many are aware that nails are one of the favorite dens for bacteria. Long nails keep more bacteria in them which can cause various diseases.

Do not rule out the possibility that the fungus can also live in the “shade” of your long nails, and cause nail fungus infection.

Regularly cutting your nails to keep them short can prevent you from all of these potential problems. However, don’t be too short when trimming your nails. Nails that are cut short can actually grow uneven, ingrown, and result in sore throats.

Cutting nails too often can also cause the nails to break down quickly. When cut, the nails will experience a lot of pressure and friction.

If you cut your nails too often, it means that your nails will continue to get pressure. Nails also become more brittle and break easily.

So, how often should you cut your nails?

wavy nails

However, the benefits of cutting your nails to keep them short outweigh the risks of lengthening your nails. Cutting nails is the wisest way to maintain cleanliness and health.

What needs to be considered is the frequency of cutting the nails. Ideally, you should cut your nails every two weeks. For children, it’s best to trim nails once a week.

Also pay attention to how to cut nails properly. For your fingers, make sure to use small, round-tipped nail clippers. Small nail clippers can also be used for small toes. For toenails, especially big toes, use larger nail clippers.

When trimming your nails, don’t clip your nails at one time Cut several times from one end, working all the way down the middle to the other end.

Cut the nails in one direction following the original curve. See how your cuticles look. Do not cut straight, as this can cause the nails to bend for a long time and eventually damage the nails.

Leave a little white part of the nail at the end, ideally about 1 – 2 mm. Don’t cut or remove cuticles (the white coating on the nail bed). To smooth the nail tips, you can end your nail cutting session by rubbing the buffer.

Tips for having strong and healthy nails

Nail length is not the main thing that you need to be important. The most important thing is how you keep your nails healthy, strong, and avoid infection. Here are tips that you can apply:

  • Keeps nails clean and dry.
  • Avoid nail biting.
  • Apply a moisturizing product to your nails and cuticles every day.
  • Trim nails regularly and in one direction.
  • Avoid nail polish removers that contain acetone or formaldehyde
  • Eat a balanced nutritious diet and drink vitamins that contain biotin.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.