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Is it dangerous to sleep with wet hair after showering?

Sometimes many people don’t have enough time to wash their hair in the morning. Instead, many people choose to shower at night after work or finish exercising. Due to fatigue, it is not uncommon for us to fall asleep with our hair still wet. Is it dangerous to sleep with wet hair?

Although many people consider this habit harmless, in fact sleeping with wet hair can cause health problems, you know. Anything?

Why can’t you go to bed with wet hair right away

Here are some health problems that can be caused if you are accustomed to sleeping with your hair not dry after a shower at night.

1. Headache

Have you ever woken up with a headache or felt a heavy head? This could be one of the side effects of sleeping with wet hair. This happens because the temperature of your cold head cannot adjust to the body temperature that is still warm after a day of activities.

Especially if you sleep with your hair wrapped in a towel. The reason is, this actually makes the moisture on the head last longer. As a result, this can affect the circulation of blood in the scalp, and when the tension increases, it can cause intense headaches that disrupt your sleep.

2. Damaged hair

This one health hazard is perhaps the most obvious. Sleeping with wet hair will weaken the scalp pores and hair strands because the hair is damp overnight. As a result, this will make your hair prone to falling out and getting damaged.

3. Scalp infection

Pillows can be a breeding ground for bacteria that come from sweat, dirt, dust, dead skin cells, and even your saliva that gets absorbed in them. Now, when you sleep with your hair not dry, this will be the perfect place for bacteria to breed, which will increase the risk of infection or scalp irritation. In fact, this condition is also very likely to cause fungal infections that can appear on the scalp and the skin around it.

4. Make a cold

Quoted on the New Health Advisor page, sleeping with your hair still wet with the support of a cold room temperature will make your body more susceptible to the flu virus. One theory to support this idea is that when your body is exposed to cold air, the system of blood vessels in your nose and throat will be restricted.

This condition affects the white blood cells, where the white blood cells will be a little slower to fight off infections in the body. As a result, the body’s immunity decreases so that it is easy for the flu to attack the body. That is why, avoid sleeping with wet hair. Especially if your room has a cold temperature.

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