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Babies Are Not Immunized, What Are the Effects?

Have your child’s immunizations been completed? Babies need to get vaccines since they are newborns to prevent the risk of transmitting dangerous diseases. Unfortunately, there are still many Indonesian children who do not get complete immunization because their parents are afraid of rumors of various false myths. The following is an explanation of the importance of immunization and the consequences of not being immunized for babies.

Why is immunization important?

the child is not immunized

Basically, every human being has an immune system since he is still in the womb to protect against disease.

Even so, babies ‘immune systems have not worked as optimally and as strong as adults’ so they will get sick more easily.

This is the role of immunization to maintain the health of the baby immediately from birth, if you don’t get immunization, your baby’s immune system will not be strong.

Immunization is a way to strengthen the immune system so that it is immune to disease germs, be it bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and others.

Through immunization, it means that you protect your baby from various risks of disease in the future.

Immunization through vaccines will help the child’s immune system produce special antibodies to fight certain types of diseases.

Vaccines contain a benign or inactive version of a disease germ that has been weakened.

After entering the body, these benign germs will not cause disease but instead let the child’s immune system recognize and remember them as threats.

After that, the immune system will form antibodies that will specifically work against these types of germs.

So, when someday there are germs that actively enter the child’s body, the immune system will be ready to kill him with these special antibodies.

This is what helps children to be protected from various dangerous diseases.

This is the result if the baby is not immunized

because the baby is not immunized

It should be understood that vaccination does not guarantee to be 100 percent effective in preventing disease. However, the benefits will outweigh the risks.

Even if the child is infected and sick, the symptoms that the child will experience will be much lighter and easier to cure than not receiving the vaccine at all.

If babies do not get immunized, as a result the child will be more at risk of contracting and experiencing more severe illness.

The following are the consequences that will arise if the baby is not immunized:

You are at risk of experiencing complications from the disease

Children who are not immunized have a higher risk of complications that can cause disability and even death.

This is because his body does not get the strength from a special defense system that can detect certain types of dangerous diseases.

The body does not recognize the incoming disease virus so it cannot fight it.

This will make it easier for disease germs to breed and infect the child’s body.

If you do not receive immunizations at all, your child will be at risk of developing diseases.

Worse yet, the disease can cause death in infants and children.

The immune system is not strong

The immune systems in infants and children who do not get vaccines will not be as strong as children who receive immunizations.

This is because the child’s body is unable to recognize the disease virus that has entered the body so that it cannot fight it.

Especially if the baby does not receive the vaccine and then gets sick, he can pass it on to other people, endangering the surrounding environment.

Harm to other children

Immunization not only serves as a bulwark for babies, but also plays a role in preventing person-to-person transmission of the disease.

Parents need to note that the effects of not being immunized are not only affecting the health of your baby.

Other children and other people will also suffer losses if the immunization program is not evenly distributed, and can even experience health problems in newborns.

If your baby does not get immunized, viruses and germs in his body can easily spread to brothers, sisters, friends, and other people.

Especially if they also have not or have never received immunizations and their immune systems are weak.

In the end, the spread of the disease will turn into a disease outbreak and will spread to the environment, causing more cases of disease outbreaks and deaths.

However, parents need to remember, it does not mean that if you have accepted, your child is free from disease.

Immunization-related illnesses are still possible, only the impact is less severe if your child does not receive the vaccine.

Therefore, you still need to maintain the health and cleanliness of children so that they are always maintained.

Things that need to be done when the baby is not immunized

babies sleep after immunization

When your baby who does not receive the vaccine has health problems and wants to see a doctor or the child is about to enter school, there are a number of things that parents need to pay attention to.

Explain to the doctor that the baby is not receiving immunizations

When going to the doctor, make sure you tell your baby that your baby does not or has not received the vaccine for his age. Why is this important?

Quoting from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) telling babies who do not get the vaccine makes doctors consider the possibility of children having a history of certain diseases.

In addition, it also makes medical personnel decide if your child needs to be treated in an isolation room so that the disease does not spread.

This is because the group at risk of contracting the disease are babies who are less than 12 months old and are not ready to receive certain types of immunization.

Not only babies, adults who are undergoing treatment or have weak immune systems can also spread quickly.

This includes the consequences of the baby not getting immunized.

Notify the school

When the child is ready for school or to go to daycare, be sure to tell the teacher that your little one did not receive immunizations.

With that, parties daycare can be more vigilant and keep your child away from children who are sick.

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