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This is How How Allergies Can Induced Asthma

As explained in a previous article on how to cure and treat asthma, as many as 70% of asthma occurs due to allergic factors. In other words, allergies are the biggest factor that triggers asthma. Actually, how can allergies cause asthma? Here's how allergies can cause asthma that you can know.

Allergies cause the immune system to be more sensitive to allergens or allergens. The immune system considers allergens to be harmful substances so the immune system tries to attack these allergens. When the body finds allergens, the body stimulates the creation of special cells called lgE antibodies. These antibodies will attack allergens or allergens that cause the release of chemicals such as histamine which cause swelling and inflammation. This is what we often think of as allergic symptoms such as runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing, and so on because the body's condition is trying to destroy allergens.

In people with asthma, your respiratory tract will be very sensitive to allergens. After the allergen enters the respiratory tract, the immune system reacts by trying to destroy it. This is where the muscles around the airways tighten or are referred to as bronchospasm, the airways become inflamed and slimy resulting in various acidic symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, rapid breathing and chest tightness.

That's how allergies can cause asthma. Even so, asthma does not only occur due to allergic factors. Asthma can also occur due to various other things such as stress, and genetic factors. But whatever the cause, asthma must be treated immediately, because asthma is a serious disease that cannot be underestimated. Just a little late can cause asthma sufferers to experience a lack of oxygen which can cause death.

Even though until now there has not been found a drug that can be used to cure asthma, because until now medical drugs given to people with asthma are only to reduce the shortness of breath suffered, it does not mean that asthma cannot be cured. But now there is a therapy that you can use to treat asthma. The therapy is Asthma Treatment Brain Wave Therapy.

Asthma Treatment Wave Therapy is a therapy designed specifically by experts to help heal and treat your asthma. This therapy has passed the research process for many years and its effectiveness has been proven by many parties. Besides Brain Waves Therapy Asthma Treatment is also shaped CD music therapy so it is very easy and practical to use.

Brain Wave Therapy Asthma Treatment itself works by programming your subconscious mind to cure and relieve asthma that you have been suffering from by strengthening your body's resistance to all forms of fatigue, reducing the body's sensitivity to various forms of allergens that can trigger asthma attacks.

Therapy will increase your immune system, prevent you from various allergens around you which can trigger allergies and cause the appearance of asthma.