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Revealing the Benefits of Air and Sea Water For Asthma Patients

Have you ever felt more refreshed and excited when you were on the beach or the seas off? The beach and sea have long been trusted as a comfortable and refreshing place. So, many people go to the beach not to play, but to calm the mind or breathe the typical beach air. Research conducted by experts in Germany to prove that it is not just a suggestion. Air and sea water do have benefits for the human respiratory system. This means people with respiratory problems like asthma can enjoy the ocean's atmosphere while undergoing natural therapies to help relieve symptoms of asthma. Read on to find out what the effects of air and sea water provide for asthma sufferers.

What happens when asthma attacks?

To understand how air and sea water help asthma sufferers, you need to understand what happens when asthma attacks. Asthma attacks occur because of interference in your respiratory tract. The muscles around your respiratory tract will suddenly become tight and narrow. Then usually this will be followed by swelling or inflammation of the walls of your respiratory tract. Respiratory wall began to produce mucus in excess so that oxygen will be more hindered to enter into the lungs.

This is what causes asthma sufferers coughing, difficulty breathing, feeling tight and pain in the chest, or difficulty speaking when asthma attacks. In some cases, the muscles surrounding your respiratory tract will slowly dilate and the respiratory tract will open itself within a few minutes. However, in certain cases you can use an inhalation or asthma relief medication to have your respiratory tract recover faster.

Can asthma be cured?

Although asthma symptoms can be controlled and reduced, asthma itself has not been cured until now because it has not found the exact cause. Some people report that they no longer have asthma attacks and this is usually caused by lifestyle changes and medications that can help control asthma symptoms.

Effect of air and sea water for people with asthma

One of the natural therapies and lifestyle that is good for people with asthma is breathing sea air. It should be noted that the seas and beaches that are good for people with asthma are still clean, free from pollution or pollution, and away from industrial areas. Here are the various effects of air and sea water for people with asthma.

1. High oxygen levels

The beach and the sea are located in the lowlands that have more oxygen levels than places in the highlands such as mountains. This is because Earth's gravity holds oxygen on the earth's surface. Then the farther away from the plains and sea level, the air pressure and oxygen levels will decrease. This is why many people feel dizzy, short of breath, even fainted when in high places. The disease due to this height is experienced by many mountain climbers. Those with asthma are at risk of attack if they are in places with limited oxygen levels. So, being on the beach with abundant oxygen levels can make people with asthma breathe more freely and freely, especially if you often spend time or stay in the highlands.

2. Clean air

According to an allergy expert at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Jonathan A. Bernstein, the wind blowing on the beach can ward off allergens and irritating agents. Director of Allergy and Asthma Care of Brooklyn, Cascya Charlot also added that usually on the beach the number of pollen that carried much less wind. This means that people with asthma caused by allergies can breathe easily when on the beach. In addition, the air circulation on the beach and sea is also more smoothly than the big cities with dozens of high rise buildings or hilly terrain.

3. Natural therapy for breathing

The seas and beaches still have other secrets to be known for asthma sufferers. The air you breathe in the sea or beach contains small droplets of sea water so that sometimes the sea and beach can feel salty. Therefore, the air that has the sea water content is very healthy for the body because it is rich in salt, iodine, and magnesium. These three elements serve as aerosols that will stimulate the immune reaction of the respiratory organs.

The results of a study published in the German medical journal Prax Klin Pneumol prove that breathing sea and beach air regularly can relax the respiratory muscles and reduce the mucus that blocks the respiratory tract of asthmatics. The longer time you spend on the beach or the sea, the function of your lungs will get better. So for those of you who suffer from asthma, there is no harm in taking a few hours each week to breathe air and sea water on the beach as a form of natural therapy.