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Preparing a Vacation for an Asthma Child

Your child's asthma should not prevent you from planning your family vacation or allowing your child to join camping or vacation with friends. With good preparation and communication, you and your child can enjoy the holidays.

Before you travel, make sure your child's asthma condition is well under control. If you've just had a relapse, check with your doctor. Your child may need a change of medicines or consult a doctor before traveling.

What you need to prepare before the holidays with children

1. Drugs

When preparing the goods, be sure to bring fast-acting drugs (rescue or fast-acting medicine) and long-term control drugs. Make sure the medicine is easy to reach. If you are traveling by plane, make sure to carry it in a carry case and bring it into the cabin, so that medications stay with you whenever your child needs it, even if your baggage is lost.

2. Peak flow meter

You can also carry a peak flow meter if your child uses it. Bring along cards and health insurance information, as well as asthma action plans for drug lists, dose information, doctor's phone numbers.

3. Doctor's Letter

If you are traveling abroad, bring a letter from a doctor describing your child's diagnosis, medication, and equipment. This can help you through airport security or customs. Ask for generic names of medicines, to anticipate if medicines have other names in a country.

4. Nebulizer

If your child is using a nebulizer, you may be able to purchase a portable version. Many portable nebulizer that can be fitted to cigarette lighter in the car. If you are traveling abroad, make sure you bring the necessary adapter.

If you are traveling by car

Buses, trains, and cars may have the same allergens in your home, including dust mites and molds stuck on sofas or ventilation systems. It is not much you can do on a bus or train, but if you travel by car, turn on the air conditioner with the window open for about 10 minutes. This can reduce mold and dust mites in the car. If pollen or pollution levels affect your child's asthma, close the window and turn on the air conditioner.

If you are traveling by plane

Air quality on the plane can affect your child's asthma. Smoking has been banned on all commercial flights, but not on charter flights. If you are on a charter flight, ask about smoking regulations and ask for a seat in the non-smoking section. The air on the plane is very dry, give your child plenty to drink while on the plane. Some airlines allow the use of nebulizer (except during takeoff and landing), except check first. Nebulizer is usually not included in emergency equipment because of its large size. However, inhalers can be used instead of nebulizer in dealing with asthma and are more portable when traveling.


Your child's asthma triggers will determine what you need to do to prevent asthma attacks where you will stay over the holidays. If pollen or air pollution is the trigger, you can plan trips in the season where pollen counts and fog smoke are lower.

If dust mites or fungi are a problem and you will stay at the hotel, ask if there are any rooms that are allergy free. Asking for rooms with sunshine and dry as well as away from the pool can help. If the animal is allergenic, ask for a room that is never occupied by a pet. You should always stay in a non-smoking room.

If you are going to live in a rented hut near the beach or forest, ask for the place to be aerated before you arrive. Make sure the friends or family you live with know the triggers of asthma before you reach the destination. Although they can not clean all the mites or fungi, they can vacuum the dust thoroughly, especially in the room your child will stay.

If fragrant candles, potpourri, aerosol or firewood products upset your child, ask the host not to use them. You can also remind to not smoke in the room when your child is in the room.

It takes months for an effectively lost dander from a room, you should not live with friends or family who have pets if the animal dander is your child's asthma trigger.

Wherever you are going to stay, consider bringing a pillow and a child blanket from home to make sure the hypoallergenic equipment is sleeping. The time difference can also be a challenge. When traveling, try to give the drug at regular time from the area of origin. When you get to a different time zone, remember to adjust the time to local time.

Make sure your child is in control of his activities

If your child's asthma condition is well controlled, you can enjoy the scenery, hiking, or entertainment activities. However, keep thinking of asthma triggers when planning activities. For example, avoid a lot of walking or hiking if the pollution or the amount of pollen is high, or if the weather is very cold and dry. If you are camping, keep the child away from the fire.

Make sure you take plenty of rest (indoors if possible), bring a fast-acting medication, and prepare a backup plan if your child has asthma symptoms.

Like at home, if someone else is going to supervise your child, make sure he knows the child's asthma condition and knows what is and should not be done to prevent your child's asthma from recurring.

If your child is traveling alone

If your child will travel alone (camping or staying with friends or other families), make sure there is an adult watching it. Make sure the adult who accompanies your child knows and has a copy of the asthma action plan, pharmacy list, and emergency phone number. Also send written permission to assist the child during an emergency.

Talk with your child before the trip to discuss the asthma action plan and what needs to be done during an emergency. Your child should be familiar with asthma triggers, know how to use drugs, and be able to recognize signs of asthma attacks.

If your child has not taken long-term medication and relies only on fast-acting drugs to control asthma, it may not be time to allow children to travel alone, especially over a long period of time.

Of all, make sure that your child uses all the prescribed medications and try to avoid triggers. Ignoring asthma during the trip can send your child to the emergency department, not a place to spend the holidays.