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4 Best Types of Sports for Asthma Sufferers

Exercise is important for anyone, including asthma sufferers. Although for some people with sports asthma can trigger asthma attacks, there are still some sports that can be done safely. If your asthma usually recurs after exercise, this condition is called exercise-induced asthma (EIA). Why can relapse? Reported by WebMD, the relapse of asthma is due to a sport that is too long, or if you physically exert too much energy.

When the EIA occurs in people with asthma, the muscles around the airways in the body will change due to temperature and humidity, and react with contractions, so that the airway narrows. This condition causes asthma sufferers to experience symptoms such as:
  • Cough
  • Chest tightness
  • Wheezing
  • Unusual fatigue
  • Hard to breathe

This EIA symptom generally begins within 5-20 minutes after exercise, or 5-10 minutes after a short sport is over. If you experience any of these symptoms, immediately let your doctor know. Although exercise can make your asthma relapse, it does not mean you should avoid exercising. You just have to be more selective about exercising that is safe for your breathing.

What are the best types of exercise for people with asthma?

To keep your fitness and health even if you have asthma, you still have to exercise. For more effective exercise and a fitter body, you need to combine several types of exercise, such as aerobic combinations (both moderate and severe) and strength training. You should also include stretching exercises to increase your flexibility.

As quoted by Asthma.org.uk, there are four types of sports that can be done asthma sufferers to stay fit and healthy.

Aerobic intensity

This sport includes walking, dancing, or cycling. Choose this sport if you want a simple and easy sport, which does not make you breathless or too much breathing.

Aerobic weight intensity

Aerobic sports that include heavy intensity include jogging, swimming, or football. If you want to push your health level a little and want to get the best overall benefit of your health, you can choose this sport.

Keep in mind, swimming is the best exercise option for people with asthma, because the sport is done in a warm and humid environment. Environmental conditions are the best for people with asthma.

Strength training

This strength training or resistance training builds and exercises your muscle strength. In addition, this sport can be done using a load or no load, and do not have to be done in the gym. Even walking around carrying bags full of groceries from supermarkets also includes endurance drills.

Sports mind and body

For this sport, you can choose yoga, tai chi, or pilates. Although not a sport of endurance or strength, this exercise increases the flexibility, mobility of your joints, and as a bonus, can clear your mind.

That need to be considered asthma sufferers while exercising

Quoted from Get Asthma Help, there are some things that need to be considered asthma sufferers while exercising.
  • Warm up for 15 minutes to make the lungs regulate oxygen intake into the body.
  • In cold weather, cover your mouth and nose with a thick mask or scarf to warm the air before getting into the lungs.
  • Avoid asthma triggers that can make asthma recur or worsen.
  • After exercising, cool for 15 minutes well.
  • Follow your doctor's instructions on using asthma medication before and after exercise. If you are working in groups or with teams, make sure your friend or coach knows you have asthma and knows what to do if your asthma recurs.
  • Increase your vigilance when you have a cold or other respiratory infection, and when it's dust, cold, or hot and arid.